26 September 2006

Surat protes ke VATIKAN

Baru coba-coba masuk ke sebuah milis, ternyata saya mendapatkan contoh
format surat protes ke Vatikan, yang dibuat berdasarkan pernyataan
Paus Benedictus tentang kutipannya yang mengundang reaksi masyarakat
muslim seluruh dunia tersebut. Berikut isinya:

Posted by: "Samurai Xing"
Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:50 am (PST)
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb,

Mari kita kirimkan email protes ke Vatican di alamat webteam@vaticanradi o.org .
Bisa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (pasti ada juga ahli bahasa
Indonesia di Vatican) atau pakai bahasa Inggris. Bila perlu, boleh
juga modify email yang di bawah ini, atau copy dan paste juga boleh.

Take Action now. Bela Islam meskipun hanya dengan satu klik.
Jangan lupa sebarkan email ini.



------------ --------- --------- --------- --------

Dear Sir,

The Pope's insensitive and inappropiate statement had created
unnecessary problem in today's world, a world with enough problems and
conflicts. It is also undermines the constructive dialogue between
Christianity and Islam.

We heard the pope when he said the remarks had not been deliberately
intended to be offensive. But, on the other side, good intentions are
not enough for sparing him from being accountable for what he said.
The pope should have said in his very controversial lecture that the
quotes did not reflect his views on Islam or it would be very
logically understood that the quotes represent his point of view.

Moreover, the Pope's personal refusal to retract his negative
statements had worsen the situation. The Vatican secretary of state
had responded positively on the International Union of Muslim
Scholars' advice for the Pope to retract the negative statements, but
now why the Pope personally refused to do it?

I suggest you to persuade the Pope to retract his statement, for it
will calm and repair the whole situation. The world have enough
problems today, let's not add anymore into it.

Peace for all who followed the Guidance,

{Your name}
{Your email address}

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